
Who We Are

The Graduate Student Association is administered by exceptional and talented graduate students who have a passion for leadership and a strong belief in the value and importance of public service. All positions within the GSA are held by current graduate or professional students at UCR. GSA officers are elected and appointed annually at the end of the academic year to serve for 10 months beginning in the following September and ending in June. 

Elected Officers include: President, Vice President of Academic Affairs, Vice President of External Affairs, Vice President of Internal Affairs, Vice President of Public Relations, Finance & Grant Writing Officer, and GSHIP Officer. Appointed officers include: Chief of Staff, Conference Travel Grant Coordinator, International Student Affairs Officer, Secretary, Webmaster, Legislative Advocacy Officer, UC Advocacy Officer, and Academic Affairs Officers for each college department. In addition, the GSA appoints Liaisons who work with specific departments on campus to facilitate graduate student programming.

What We Stand For

The Graduate Student Association (GSA) at the University of California, Riverside stands for advancing the academic, social, and physical environment of current and future graduate and professional students. The GSAUCR is dedicated to advocating for the needs, welfare, and interests of graduate students, ensuring equitable representation, promoting diversity and inclusion, and fostering a supportive campus community. It operates through a structured governance system that includes elected and appointed officers, departmental GSAs, and various committees and subcommittees that address specific concerns such as health insurance, travel grants, and student advocacy. The GSA emphasizes transparency, accountability, and active participation in university affairs to enhance the overall graduate student experience.

History of the GSA Logo

Back in Spring 2021 the Graduate Student Council voted to put together an ad-Hoc committee for updating the GSA Logo, chaired by former Vice President of Public Relations Jessica Gutierrez Masini (2020-2022). Jessica learned that the former GSA logo had been designed in the 1970's, and observed that it incorporated the Riverside City Mission Crest, which for many is a symbol of the perpetuation of colonial violence.

In a unanimously-supported effort, the GSA held an open contest for graduate and professional students to submit their ideas for a new GSA logo. A large number of brilliant and carefully crafted submissions were received, and in our March 2022 General meeting, the Graduate Student Council voted on the top logo which is what you see here. 

The GSA strives to implement programs and reforms that reflect a commitment to social justice and decolonization, in order to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all graduate and professional students. While this logo is not officially recognized by the university, we hope that it will serve as a representation of our commitment to diversity and equity now and in the future. 

GSA Round Logo

“I feel that situating ourselves in place is important, and so, I included mountains in the logo to both evoke Box Springs Mountains, the mountains that overlook UCR campus, and Pachappa, the Cahuilla name of this region. My hope is that this logo acts as a reminder of where we are, that is, on Native indigenous land, of our privilege and our collective responsibility in caring for this land, its original caretakers – Cahuilla, Tongva, Luiseño, and Serrano peoples – and each other.”

- Magnolia Yang Sao Yia, a dance artist and PhD candidate in Critical Dance studies with a Designated Emphasis in Southeast Asian studies

Organizational Chart

The organizational chart below lists the positions within UCR GSA and provides the reporting structure of our organization. For more information about each position and for officer reports which include details about current projects and activities, visit our Governance page.

Organizational Chart

Elected Officers

The elected officers of the Graduate Student Association (GSA) at the University of California, Riverside include the President, Vice President of External Affairs (VPEA), Vice President of Internal Affairs (VPIA), Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA), Public Relations Officer, Graduate Student Health Insurance Policy (GSHIP) Officer, and Finance and Grant Writing Officer. These officers collaboratively support and advocate for the graduate student body, ensuring their needs and interests are addressed within the university.

Jordan Steinhauser

Jordan Steinhauser


Katie Vidueira

Katie Vidueira

Vice President of Academic Affairs

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Katia Hatem

Vice President of External Affairs

Matthew Kersting

Matthew Kersting

Vice President of Internal Affairs

Dulce Anahi Alarcon Payan

Dulce Anahi Alarcon Payan

Vice President of Public Relations

Neeha Gajula

Neeha Gajula
Finance and Grant Writing Officer


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Sushmita Joardar

GSHIP Officer

Appointed Officers

The appointed officers of the Graduate Student Association (GSA) at the University of California, Riverside include the Conference Travel Grant Coordinator, Secretary, Webmaster, Chief of Staff, International Student Affairs Officer, UC Advocacy Officer, and Legislative Advocacy Officer. These appointed officers play crucial roles in supporting the GSA’s operations and representing the interests of graduate students.

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Pertab Rai

Chief of Staff

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Sanjana Sharan


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Marielys Burgos Melendez

Conference Travel Grant Coordinator

Alba Rodriguez

Alba Rodriguez

International Student Affairs Officer

Robert Wilbur

Robert Wilbur


Tate LeBlanc

Tate LeBlanc

Legislative Advocacy Officer

Gregory Hutchins

Gregory Hutchins

UC Advocacy Officer

Academic Affairs Officers

The Academic Affairs Officers within the Graduate Student Association (GSA) at the University of California, Riverside are appointed to represent each college or school. These officers report regularly to the Executive Board on developments, events, and changes within their respective schools. They play a critical role in advocating for academic issues, promoting student engagement, and ensuring that the specific needs of their colleges are addressed within the broader GSA framework.

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Hema Sai Gopi Chivukula


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Emmanuel Vidales Pasos


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Position Open


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Lan Pham


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Brittany Hawkins


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Position Open


Elyza Do

Elyza Do



The liaisons within the Graduate Student Association (GSA) at the University of California, Riverside include the Sustainability Liaison, Diversity and Inclusion Academic Liaison (DIAL), Wellness Liaison, and Career Center Liaison. These positions are often funded partially or fully by external departments through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the GSA. These liaisons ensure that specific aspects of student life, such as sustainability, diversity, wellness, and career readiness, are effectively addressed and integrated into the GSA’s activities and advocacy efforts.

Destyni Cravens

Destyni Cravens

Basic Needs Liaison

Hasmeet Kalra

Hasmeet Kalra

Career Center Liaison

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Position Open

Diversity and Inclusion Academic Liaison (DIAL)

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Jongmin Lee

Sustainability Liaison

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Position Open

WELL Liaison

Special Appointment & Office Staff

Last but certainly not least by any measure, the GSA traditionally appoints former Presidents as Alumni Advisors to the current President in order to facilitate the continued operation and well-being of the GSA. Our Office Manager and Staff are critical and indispensable members of our team who are responsible for performing many of the crucial internal functions that keep the GSA working like a well-oiled machine.

Ivett Gabriella

Ivett Gabriella

Alumni Advisor to the President

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Angelica Meza

Officer Manager

Departmental (Mini) GSAs

Mini GSAs are smaller, department-specific Graduate Student Associations (GSAs) that operate within the broader Graduate Student Association of the University of California, Riverside (GSAUCR). They serve to represent the interests of graduate students within their respective departments and function under the regulations set by the GSAUCR Constitution and Bylaws.

Click here to learn more about departmental GSAs

Committees & Subcommittees

The Graduate Student Association (GSA) at UC Riverside has various committees and subcommittees to address specific needs and concerns of graduate students. Officers and Representatives from departmental GSAs are required to participate in these committees and subcommittees, ensuring broad representation and active involvement in graduate student governance.

Committees include the Conference Travel Grant Committee, GSA Events and Allocations Committee, GSA GSHIP Committee, Social Committee, Basic Needs Committee, and the International Student Advocacy Committee. These committees oversee travel grants, event planning, health insurance policies, public relations, wellness initiatives, and international student advocacy. 

Subcommittees such as the DIAL Committee, Career Center Liaison Subcommittee, UC Advocacy Subcommittee, and Legislative Advocacy Subcommittee focus on diversity and inclusion, career readiness, system-wide advocacy, and legislative relations.